A simple single-file signal-and-slot mechanism for Python 3 for event-based programming, with support for asyncio.
Because I was missing this after working with Qt
I liked the old ticker notifications on Android, and find that the heads-up notifications get too much in-the-way. This is a simple app that brings back ticker-style notifications.
In the early days of reverse engineering the file formats used by Super Monkey Ball, maintaining spec sheets was a pain, requiring modifying a HTML table and manually recalculating multiple offset and length values when adding newly found data. SpecFormatter simplifies this process by automatically generating a HTML spec sheet from an XML spec file, taking the process of adding and modifying entries to only require adding or changing one XML tag, with one length value, rather than multiple tags and values that were easy to get lost in.
An early-access ball-rolling game built in Unreal Engine 4 in the spirit of classic marble rollers, but brought up-to-date with modern features such as leaderboards and rankings, and importantly easy-to-make custom levels (with multiplayer planned soon). A large aspect of the game will include user-generated content, with no differentiation between how the game handles official and user-made levels.
Rolled Out! is under active development by a small development team consisting of me as the main programmer, as well as a level designer, concept artist, a few of people on the sound team, and a couple other programmers who help most notably with custom collision. My role within the team includes being a gameplay and networking programmer, writing various tools to ease the level creation and development process, extending the engine to support a broader range of controllers via SDL2 and its joystick API, and creating backend code for leaderboards.